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Drop Off and Pick Up Policy/Procedure

Effective 11/20/2020

This pandemic has changed the way we look at early childhood education and our daily practices and procedures in a group setting.  Changes in Procedures and Practices have been developed to support the health and safety of your children, your families, and our staff and to do all we can to remain open for families.  The changes are meant to ward off Coronavirus and they are based on thorough research and guidance being recommended by experts such as the CDC.  Thank you for your understanding and patience as we implement these new Policies and Procedures. Drop Off and Pick Up Procedure and Child(ren)/Family Daily Health Screenings:

Family MAY NOT Enter the Center

To reduce direct contact and limit the risk for corona virus transmission, A Step Ahead Day Care is restricting access to its facility to its essential staff and children enrolled in the program only. Accordingly, families WILL NOT be permitted to enter the building during drop off and pick up. Instead, a staff member will greet family at the street entry door and the subsequent procedures will be followed:  

Families will be greeted at the entry door by a staff member. 


  1. Families will be required to wear masks when interacting with Staff during drop off and pick up.

  2. There will be sterilized pens for you to sign in and out with. Please put in a designated bin to be sterilized.

  3. Daily Health Check Questionnaire:

    •  Each morning before Drop Off, each family will be greeted at entry way by a staff member assigned to complete Daily Health Check Questionnaire with family before child(ren) will be admitted to the program.  

    • Staff will ask family each question on the Health Check Questionnaire to avoid having the parent/family member touch the document.  

    • Staff Member will take the family member’s and child’s/children’s temperature.

    • If a family members answers ‘yes’ to any of the questions in the Questionnaire or if either child/children or family member fails the temperature check, their child/children may not enter the program.

    • If there are no issues with the Family Health Check, the Staff Member will:

      • ​Escort child into the program.take the child to the nearest hand washing location.

      • Direct/assist child in washing their hands.

    • No child will be accepted after 9:00 AM and all children must pick up by 6:00 PM

    • PRE-K Count student's schedule is 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. 

Upon your arrival to pick up your child, you must call 215-722-4700 to announce your arrival and a staff member will bring your child out to you.  You will also sign your child out the same way as you did when you signed them in. If family member answered “YES” to any of the questions in the questionnaire, the child and parent or family member may not enter the facility. Staff will direct families to the following CDC resource to determine their next steps.  

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