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COVID-19 Policy and Procedure Updates

COVID-19 - Policy and Procedure Updates
FROM:  Lynn Biddle & Leona Kaminski
Effective 6/05/2020

We are preparing the center for operations. Currently, there is no confirmed date until we can provide a safe environment for children and teachers. The safety and well-being of your child is important to us! We realize, too, in this uncertain time, it is of great concern to you as parents and caregivers of young children. We recognize the importance of your entrusting the care and well-being of your young children in our program. Accordingly, we wanted to make sure that you are aware of all the practices we have implemented to keep our program clean and to minimize the spread of germs.  The following list outlines our newly adopted practices:

Business Operations:​
  • We are not reducing our hours of operation. Our hours of operation are 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. If any changes to our hours of operation are needed in the future, we will provide you with as much notice as possible.

  • All families and children in our care will have a daily health check and temperature screening during drop off and prior to entering the building. If the child does not meet the health standards at the door, they will not be permitted into the center.

  • Upon arriving at the program, all staff will have a daily health check and temperature screening prior to entering the building. If the staff does not meet health standards at the door they will not be permitted into the center.

  • Family members will not be permitted to enter classrooms.

  • All children must bring a second pair of shoes for the center only. They will change into them when they come in & out of them when they leave for the day. The extra pair of shoes will be stored in the center and will be disinfected at closing.

  • Tuition will be put in an envelope labeled and placed in a locked bot that will be available. The envelope must be labeled with:

  • Child’s Name

  • Week of Payment

  • Amount of payment 

Classroom/Playground Practices:
  • All classrooms will remain separated to reduce the number of children in one area and to reduce the possibility of viral transmission (even at drop off and pick up time).

  • Large group activities will be eliminated.

  • We will not share equipment and will clean equipment between uses. 

  • Time standing in line will be minimized (each child will be given a “spot” to stand or sit while waiting).

  • Staff will have access to antibacterial hand sanitizers and disposable gloves and use them as needed.

  • Staff will wash/scrub their hands and children’s hands frequently at key transition times as this is recommended by the CDC as the most effective measure to reduce the spread of germs: 

    • when arriving for the day

    • before and after meals

    • after toileting/diapering

    • after being outside

  • We will minimize item sharing among children when possible, for example: give each child a set of his/her own markers, etc.

  • We will refrain from sensory or water table activities including playdough unless each child is assigned their own container.

  • The number of toys and other items in the classrooms will be reduced and rotated to permit washing and sanitizing frequently.

  • Soft toys, blankets, dress-up clothing, stuffed animals will be removed for now to make cleaning and sanitizing easier and effective to reduce the spread of germs.

  • Children will not be permitted to bring toys from home.

  • We are increasing the amount of outside time while maintaining required smaller group sizes.

  • Classrooms will stagger outdoor time so only one group is out at a time and allow 30 minutes between groups outside to allow for disinfection of playground equipment and toys.

  • Classrooms will have large bins for sanitizing toys at the end of the day.

  • Daily, staff will disinfect high-touch surfaces, such as door handles, light switches, faucets, toys, and game that children play with at least twice daily.

  • Nightly, after all children have left the building, we have implemented more extensive cleaning and disinfection of the entire program.

  • Families will receive communications on any changes in Family Handbook policies and procedures.

  • The Directors will communicate with families via email, telephone, text, or other means of communications as needed.

  • It is important for families and staff to communicate often and to be transparent with one another. Please voice concerns or questions you have with our Directors as soon as possible.

  • If the current situation changes and it becomes necessary to update our policies and procedures or close our program temporarily, we will notify key family contact by Telephone and or Text immediately

Meals & Service
  • We will not combine groups or classrooms of children during meals or snack time.

  • Staff will allow for a minimum of 3 feet of space between children during mealtimes (6 feet is preferred).

  • All surfaces will be disinfected before and after meal preparation and feedings using EPA-approved disinfectant products.

  • All staff will wash hands before and after meal preparation, serving and feeding.

  • Staff will guide and direct children to wash hands before each meal or snack.

  • Each child’s meal will be plated and served by staff, instead of served family-style.  

  • Teachers will distribute meals and snacks to children.

  • Children will not share eating utensils.

  • School-Age children will bring their” single serve lunch” in a zip-lock bag only. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Staff will wear face coverings.

  • Children may not be expected to wear face coverings, this will be discussed with parents individually.  Children under age 2 will not be permitted to wear face coverings.

  • All staff will have access to PPE should a situation arise in which PPE is necessary.

Staff Training & Wellness
  • All staff have received training and education on COVID-19 symptoms, infection control, workplace disinfection and preventative measures including practices and procedures.

  • Upon arriving at the program, all staff will answer a Daily Health Questionnaire and have their temperature taken to assure it is within acceptable limits.

We wanted to take this time to communicate all the changes to our practices which have been  implemented so that you are aware of all the things we are doing to keep our program clean, minimize the spread of germs and support the health and well being of children and staff.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to Lynn Biddle or Leona Kaminski via email:  or telephone: 215-722-4700 should you have a question or concern.

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